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School Day Schedule


Students who wish to eat breakfast at school may enter through the auditorium entrance. 


Doors are closed at this time in order to prepare for morning entry.  Any students arriving at this time should wait outside until the doors reopen at 8:00am.  Students who wish to get a breakfast will be given grab and go at 8:00am.


Grade K will enter through the cafeteria doors (to the left of the main entrance).

Grades 1 and 4 will enter through the staircase doors (to the left of the cafeteria doors).

Grades 2, 3, and 5 will enter through the auditorium doors (the last doors to the left).

All students will be dismissed at 2:20pm.

Grade K will dismiss through the cafeteria doors (to the left of the main entrance).

Grade 1 will dismiss through the staircase doors (to the left of the cafeteria doors).

Grade 2 will dismiss through the right side auditorium doors 

Grade 3 will dismiss through the left side auditorium doors

Grade 4 will dismiss through the courtyard gate (note: this is different than their entry door)

Grade 5 will dismiss through the courtyard gate


School Lunch Menus

Nutrition is Priceless: Free lunch for all students

Quick Links

Teacher pages: teacher leading class  Academics: girl with pencil  Parent Coordinator: students working together

School Spirit